Passover Granola: This was also in my mom’s recipe box

In the spirit of exploring my mom’s recipe box, I am revisiting this post from a decade ago…Hands down, this granola is my family’s favorite thing I make for Passover.  Even though it makes 2 quarts, I usually have to make it at least twice to get us through the week. (NOTE: this year, in…

Date Challah – Revisited

As Rosh Hashanah approaches this year, I am being drawn to cooking with the traditional foods – dates, honey, apples… So, I decided to make a date challah for this Shabbat. Here’s what it looked like when I did the original post in 2013: I made just a couple of tweaks when I made it…

Roasted Vegetable Kookoo

I included a good number of kookoos, or Persian omelets, on this blog and in my first cookbook. For the most part, they are very traditional kookoos.  For my next cookbook, I decided to create a mash-up of one of our go-to dinners – roasted vegetables and eggs – as a kookoo. Oh wow! It…

Pumpkin Challah Cinnamon Rolls

Time for some quarantine comfort baking – “emptying my cabinets” style.  I found a can of organic pumpkin, so, since I also still have some confectioner’s sugar,  baking project #1 – pumpkin challah cinnamon rolls. As with many of my favorite challah recipes, this one was from My Jewish Learning – The Nosher.  I made…

A Great High Holiday Breakfast – Dried Fruit Compote with Yogurt

I start every day with 2 dried figs or dates, I have for at least 10 years.  Not by themselves, but with whatever other item I am eating for breakfast.  Breakfast does not feel complete without my dried fruit. The Monday Morning Cooking Club recently posted a recipe for Kompote as a dessert for Rosh Hashanah. …

Blackberry Jam

I have been told that all you need to grow blackberries in Oregon is to disturb the soil and wait. That seems to be true along the riverfront near our condo. Luckily, there is a walking path within arms reach of the plants.  So, on a recent morning walk with my dog, I brought my…

Blueberry Cake Waffles

We picked 4 quarts of blueberries over the weekend. That’s a lot of blueberries. And we have thoroughly been enjoying eating them every time we open the fridge. But there are enough to make some fun dishes with them as well.  The first was a celebration breakfast for our daughter when she returned from her…

Raspberry Smoothie

We went berry picking this weekend in the New York Catskills. We came home with copious amounts of blueberries and a sizable amount of raspberries (about a quart). I have plans for all the berries we don’t devour fresh (which we are doing a very good job of). If I have enough raspberries in a…

Blackberry Cheesecake Galette

Earlier in the week, I went for a walk at a township park in Pennsylvania. While there, I saw a woman picking blackberries for a pie. So during my walk I scoped it out, the park was filled with blackberry bushes! So I returned with containers, and filled a quart jar. What to do with…