Oatmeal-Carrot Cookies – Exploring Mom’s Recipe Box #10

Cooking from my mom’s recipe box has been an interesting experience. It’s not like I am cooking her recipes, she didn’t have recipes for most of what she made. Her recipe box is a collection of recipes she got from friends and family (including me), or clipped out of a newspaper. Although I mostly am…

Dark Chocolate Pomegranate Molasses Bark

I love pomegranate molasses. I love dark chocolate. And I love pistachios. But I really love putting the three together in my new creation – dark chocolate bark with pomegranate molasses and pistachios.  It is delicious with just the chocolate and pomegranate molasses, but the pistachios add saltiness and texture that just takes it up…

Sourdough Blondies

Time for Portia’s first weekly feeding.  Portia is the new sourdourgh starter I made here in Portland.  After her feeding I was left with a cup of sourdough discard. I also have a bag of dark chocolate kisses and some other chocolates in my kitchen (leftovers from my Mother’s Day treats).  I want to use…

Baklava experiment

In my quest to combine Pacific Northwest foods with Persian foods, I decided to jump into making one of the foods that has always intimidated me – baklava.  Not just any baklava, but I wanted to experiment with using hazelnuts and walnuts.  Not only that, but I decided to bring my love for orange juice-based…

Dried Cherry and Pistachio Biscotti

I am slowly venturing into baking in the little condo kitchen.  I have none of my tools, they are in storage in Maryland with the rest of our furniture.  I am really missing my standing mixer. But, my arms are getting more of a workout, at least. Another of my farmer’s market finds was local…

A Great High Holiday Breakfast – Dried Fruit Compote with Yogurt

I start every day with 2 dried figs or dates, I have for at least 10 years.  Not by themselves, but with whatever other item I am eating for breakfast.  Breakfast does not feel complete without my dried fruit. The Monday Morning Cooking Club recently posted a recipe for Kompote as a dessert for Rosh Hashanah. …

Blackberry Cheesecake Galette

Earlier in the week, I went for a walk at a township park in Pennsylvania. While there, I saw a woman picking blackberries for a pie. So during my walk I scoped it out, the park was filled with blackberry bushes! So I returned with containers, and filled a quart jar. What to do with…

Peach-Blueberry Yogurt Cake

Yes, peaches again! But it is also blueberry season and, to me, peaches and blueberries are a great combination. The both taste and look beautiful together. We were going for our annual 4th of July celebration at Farmer Kim’s and I always bake something for it. This peach-blueberry cake worked great as a bring-along dessert….

Strawberry Rhubarb Cobbler

It’s strawberry time in Delaware! Just not in my garden yet. My strawberries are still a couple of weeks away, but Fifer Orchards has high tunnels, so their strawberries are in, and they are delicious! Rhubarb is also in now as well, so…. And where did I get the recipe for this happy dessert? It is the…