Strawberry time in the garden

That’s just what I picked this morning. I am getting this much every day or two. I have started freezing some, but am in the mood to make something fun with them. Here’s a look back on strawberry recipes past… Strawberry Frozen Fruit Pop (definitely making these!) Big Reds – Strawberry Muffins Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp for…

Kale Salad with Gouda

The kale in my garden is ready for first harvest! As you can see I am growing two different types of kale, curly and siberian.  The curly kale is still small, but the siberian has grown more quickly. I harvested enough to make a flavorful Caesar-type salad to have with our lasagna. The flavor was…

Asparagus Fries

I do love asparagus season! We have been eating it almost every day. But the boy is not yet a fan, so I keep trying different ways of serving it and having him try it.  I will admit that I only half-heartedly push him into eating it; if he doesn’t then there’s more for the…

Strawberry Rhubarb Cobbler

It’s strawberry time in Delaware! Just not in my garden yet. My strawberries are still a couple of weeks away, but Fifer Orchards has high tunnels, so their strawberries are in, and they are delicious! Rhubarb is also in now as well, so…. And where did I get the recipe for this happy dessert? It is the…

Kubana – Yemenite Pull-Apart Sabbath Bread

This was another new one for me; I had never made a steamed bread before. And, although it was not pretty, it was incredibly tasty. Along with the overnight steamed bread, I made some huevos haminados (Sephardic slow-roasted eggs).  They are the silver packets you see in the bread. The egg whites turn a beautiful…

I am published in a cookbook…Yay!!!

My copy just arrived in the mail today… Thank you to the ladies of the Monday Morning Cooking Club for asking me for a recipe and then liking it enough to include in their latest cookbook “It’s always about the food.” When they asked if I could do a lamb recipe, I knew exactly what…

Slow Cooker Chicken Marrakesh

We became very well acquainted with our slow cooker during my campaign. A love-hate relationship developed. When a dish worked, it was wonderful. But there were many days when I threw in a whole lot of string spices only to end up with flavorless meat. I was so confused and disturbed. But, we studied the…