Oatmeal-Carrot Cookies – Exploring Mom’s Recipe Box #10

Cooking from my mom’s recipe box has been an interesting experience. It’s not like I am cooking her recipes, she didn’t have recipes for most of what she made. Her recipe box is a collection of recipes she got from friends and family (including me), or clipped out of a newspaper. Although I mostly am interested in exploring the “friends and family” recipes that represent the 70’s and 80’s, there are some clippings that intrigue me. Here is a James Beard recipe that she clipped from some newspaper.

I made them as written, except that I thought the 2 teaspoon approach was unnecessarily fussy, so I used a tablespoon scoop. And, somehow ended up with 41 cookies instead of 24. That’s ok, I prefer smaller cookies.

They were very tasty, nice and airy for oatmeal cookies. But they were quite sweet and a bit too buttery – really unhealthy even though they have carrots in them. So, if I make them again, I will use whole wheat flour – I think that would actually improve the cookie, and reduce the sugar and butter to 2/3 cup each.

With the smaller cookies, they only took 10 minutes to bake.

I am bringing them to a BBQ this weekend, we’ll see what people think before I decide whether to try them again.

Let me know what you think of this post, and if you try the recipe, please let me know how it was and any suggestions you have. Thanks, Andrea