Bread Baking Masterclass Loaf #2 – Rye

Today was the time for Apollonia Poilàne’s second loaf in her masterclass – sourdough rye. I have made rye breads that I have really liked before, but this is a French rye, not a Jewish or Russian rye. I also plan to try a dutch rye and a Finnish rye over the next few weeks, while…

Bread Baking Masterclass – Loaf #1

No matter how many loaves of bread I make, I feel like a beginner. With each loaf I realize I have so much more to learn. So I decided to take Apollonia Poilàne’s masterclass. I love watching her movements and listening to her descriptions. How nice it is to imagine I am turning down the…

Cranberry Sauce Challah

It’s time for another Thanksgiving Challah! I love these. I have made pumpkin challah, turkey-shaped challah, and more pumpkin challah! This year, I am stuffing my challah with my mom’s cranberry sauce. I have always loved my mom’s cranberry sauce. Since it was such a simple recipe, for years I searched for one that was…

A Real Northwestern Bread – Hazelnut and Cherry

Even though we are still living in our rented tiny condo and all my kitchen gear is in storage (including my stand mixer), it is time to get back to baking bread.  Without my mixer, I am getting my hands on the dough more, so getting an even better feel for the textures I like…

Pumpkin Bread Biscotti

What did I do with the rest of the can of pumpkin that I found in my cabinet? As you can see I made pumpkin bread biscotti, which was so easy to make and truly a delicious treat.  But I need to share how I came about making it. When I first found out I…

Pumpkin Challah Cinnamon Rolls

Time for some quarantine comfort baking – “emptying my cabinets” style.  I found a can of organic pumpkin, so, since I also still have some confectioner’s sugar,  baking project #1 – pumpkin challah cinnamon rolls. As with many of my favorite challah recipes, this one was from My Jewish Learning – The Nosher.  I made…

Rye Zucchini Sourdough Bread

It’s that time again. Zucchini time! Zucchini bread time! Only this time, there is a twist. I found a recipe that adds zucchini to my current obsession – sourdough bread.  This version adds in rye flour.  The result… A fairly perfect bread – crisp outside and soft, chewy inside. And it all starts with some…

Toronto Blueberry Buns

Blueberries are one of my favorite fruits. I love their flavor, I love their color. In fact, look at the beautiful color of the filling for these buns… The filling was so pretty and so tasty, that my husband and I devoured all the extra filling immediately. He spread it on rice cakes, I ate…

Jalapeño Cheddar Challah Rolls

I have 4 jalapeño plants this year and all are very happy.  I will definitely be replenishing my supply of pickled jalapeños. But I have a bunch of other plans for my peppers as well. The first is a Challah I have been waiting all year to make; I needed to wait for my plants to…

Kubana – Yemenite Pull-Apart Sabbath Bread

This was another new one for me; I had never made a steamed bread before. And, although it was not pretty, it was incredibly tasty. Along with the overnight steamed bread, I made some huevos haminados (Sephardic slow-roasted eggs).  They are the silver packets you see in the bread. The egg whites turn a beautiful…