A Real Northwestern Bread – Hazelnut and Cherry

Even though we are still living in our rented tiny condo and all my kitchen gear is in storage (including my stand mixer), it is time to get back to baking bread.  Without my mixer, I am getting my hands on the dough more, so getting an even better feel for the textures I like…

Baklava experiment

In my quest to combine Pacific Northwest foods with Persian foods, I decided to jump into making one of the foods that has always intimidated me – baklava.  Not just any baklava, but I wanted to experiment with using hazelnuts and walnuts.  Not only that, but I decided to bring my love for orange juice-based…

Sumac and Honey Hazelnuts

I found a great place to buy hazelnuts on my way to Salem.  I buy nuts in the shell; I find shelling the nuts to be a very “Zen” activity.  I typically do about 2 cups of nut meats at a time; that way not too many have been opened, so they stay fresh. I…